Anunţul tău este o poveste. Spune-ne şi tu povestea ta. Detalii

Căutare avansată

Villa at American School, Pipera, Bucharest, Romania

Vila (at 500 m from American School) 190 sqm, large living room, 4 bedrooms, dressing, 3 bathrooms, Terrace and 2 balconies, kitchen with modern cabinets, Parking place and garage with automatic doors, large enclosed garden extends round the property (770 sqm), technical room, wood clad open space attic, air conditioning, own heating system, ceramic tile and wood floors, ceramic tile walls in bathrooms, double glazed windows,
1900 EUR / month, +40 722 291 475, 18 more pictures, video and location map at this link
Pret: 1900 Euro

1.900 eur Fix

Data adăugării 28.12.2016 12:00

Proprietar Persoană fizică

Telefon 0722291475

Localitate Bucuresti

Număr vizualizări 757

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